My Thoughts - Gel-Bsed Super Armor

One of the most common misconceptions of getting shot while wearing body armor is that you "Play dead" and wait for the bad guy to pass you by, thinking you are dead, then get up, pound your chest and everything is fine.
That is one of the many myths of media...

There is an actual science behind how a weaponized projectile works and the reality of body armor is that it may stop the bullet penetration, but all that kinetic energy has to go somewhere. This is why blunt force trauma is the actual outcome of getting shot while wearing body armor.
Consider a 9mm round... on average, depending on a number of factors, the muzzle velocity (or how fast the bullet travels when it leaves the barrel of the firearm) of most 9mm rounds is going to be between 900-1500 feet per second (FPS).
Kevlar is not exactly a bunch of pillows that can absorb an extreme amount of force, which means that, that bullet, traveling at that speed is going to come to a complete (or almost complete) stop, very abruptly. Now, we know that Newton's laws state that an object in motion, tends to stay in motion, so that means that up to 1500 FPS of energy has to go somewhere. The Kevlar will absorb some of that kinetic energy, but, by and large, most will be transferred to the soft tissue and bone behind the Kevlar, resulting in possible broken bones, internal bleeding and sometimes worse.
Why do I bring this up?
Well, there is a new technology being developed by a research team based out of Kent University, and its like something straight out of a science fiction. Its a Gel that can completely absorb ALL of the kinetic energy, in addition to completely stopping up to a super-sonic round.
The practical applications here for Law Enforcement and Military are amazing, but think about the non-bullet-stopping applications.... a spaceship that is impervious to micro (or even regular sized) asteroids? Haydron colliders with no chance of breaches? Bomb proof safe rooms civilians in active war zones? Literal nuclear bomb proof shelters? Cars that truly prevent death? Hell, seat-belts that dont cause whiplash?
This Gel has the potential to save a TON of lives in the LE and Military community, but the potential long-term applications of this technology are truly, truly transformative.
Read about the research HERE

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