Steve Chepp

Steve is a former Law Enforcement officer turned entrepreneur, technologist and futurist. He founded the startup, The Mad Cete, a technology company that handles game, software and web development, cyber security, cyber forensics and provides additional consulting services on various technology and tangential topics, including, but not limited to, UX/usability, ArchViz, gamification, Blockchain/crypto, business and futurism. Steve also chairs the advisory board for the Milwaukee Area Technical College Game Development Associates Degree program and a co-founder & Executive Board member of the Wisconsin Games Alliance, a Non-Profit advocacy group and Center for Excellence for Game Development and tangential sectors in the Midwest. Additionally Steve does a number of professional talks and lectures ranging from collegiate, to professional organizations to K-12. Steve also has a long-standing professional relationship with Junior Achievement and in involved with a number of other altruistic endeavors. --- How you can support me: https://ko-fi.com/stevechepp https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SteveChepp https://paypal.me/stevechepp https://maceman.itch.io/ https://stevechepp.gumroad.com

Game Dev Resources

This Game Dev Resources guide will be a living document and I will add to it as I find the time to do so, so subscribe for the latest updates! Tools Game Engines & Frameworks 001 Game Creator: 2D & 3D engine with visual scripting. Adventuron: Web-based text adventure engine in HTML Adventure Game Stuido: Free engine for making 2D point & click adventure games. Ultra Engine Allegro: Cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming in C & C++. Az...
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Non-Profit Reference Guide

Meeting outline Call to Order/Introductions/Roll Call - Someone must motion to begin the meeting. Motion must be seconded - Everyone in the meeting should introduce themselves (or be introduced) by name and title/company/position - Anyone absent should be noted in the meeting notes Determination of Quorum See below under header "Determination of Quorum" Old business Any previous business that needs to be discussed or revisited should be done now. If none, then you can skip. ...
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Gear Review - Vertx Course of Fire Gloves

LINK My Video Review Price ~$52.99 usd Rating Overview: Dexterity - Pass Durability - Pass “Thenar Webspace” test - Pass Comfort - Pass Ergonomics - Pass Good Correct sizing Touch-screen material works Passes the “Thenar Webspace” test Good breathability Great palm ergonomics Good dexterity Great durability Great materials Great stitching Smart middle finger trigger guard design Bad Crappy pull tab Product tag is HUGE and obstructive Positives Fist things first, the sizing is...
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Gear Review - Vertx Assault 2.0 Gloves

LINK My Video Review Price ~$49.99 usd Rating Overview: Dexterity - Fail Durability - Not fully tested (see below) “Thenar Webspace” test - Fail Comfort - Fail Ergonomics - Fail Good Touch-screen material on thumbs works... kind of Bad Poor dexterity Sizing issues Does not pass the “Thenar Webspace” test Poor palm ergonomics Problematic side seam on index fingers between Proximal InterPhalangeal (PIP) and MetaCarpoPhalangeal (MCP) joints. Weak pull tab Product tag is HUGE and o...
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My Thoughts - Gel-Bsed Super Armor

One of the most common misconceptions of getting shot while wearing body armor is that you "Play dead" and wait for the bad guy to pass you by, thinking you are dead, then get up, pound your chest and everything is fine. That is one of the many myths of media... There is an actual science behind how a weaponized projectile works and the reality of body armor is that it may stop the bullet penetration, but all that kinetic energy has to go somewhere. This is why blunt force trauma is the actual...
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My Tech Stack

One of the most common questions I get asked revolves around my tech stack. Those of you who know me, know that I re-evaluate it on a very (some would say, annoyingly) regular basis.... pretty much every year. This sometimes pisses off those who I work with since I am the one in charge of choosing the hardware and software for all three of our companies, but in the world of technology, everything can change at the drop of a hat. What you were using yesterday may not be the best anymore, or it m...
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Fraud & Cyber Cheat Sheet

In an effort to educate people on how to have a safer experience in their financial and digital lives, I am putting together a guide or "cheat-sheet" if you will, on ways to help prevent victimization. Its important to note that there is no "magic bullet" and nothing is fool-proof when it comes to this area of expertise, but if you follow some of the tips provided in this post, it can help mitigate your risk in these areas. NOTE: This will be a living document, so check back often for the most u...
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Survival Hacks

This Survival Hacks guide will be a living document and I will add to it as I find the time to do so, so subscribe for the latest updates! The Rule of Threes In survival, the rule of threes involves the priorities in order to survive. The rule, depending on the place where one lives, allow people to effectively prepare for emergencies and determine decision-making in case of injury or danger posed by the environment. Normally, the rule of threes contains the following: You can survive thr...
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My Thoughts - InfoSec Imperatives and Cyber Security Hygiene

We live in an ever-increasing connected world and because of this, it is impossible to bury our heads in the sand and pretend like cyber crime does not affect us. More and more, the average individual risks being the target of a cyber security incident. Luckily, there are lots of tools out there that are user friendly and can vastly improve your cyber protection online. Combine with a good set of InfoSec imperatives, this can mean the difference between stopping a cyber criminal in their track...
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My Thoughts - Password Wallets

Before we even get into the topic of password wallets, we need to cover password hygiene first. This is going to be broken into two sections; 1) Basic password hygiene and 2) Advanced concepts. At minimum, EVERYONE should be following the basic password hygiene rules laid out below. Basic password hygiene: Never, ever, EVER use the same password twice... EVER!!!! Use Alpha-numeric, cryptographic passwords. Use passwords that are AT LEAST 15 characters long. Securely store your passwords. ...
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Start-Up Playbook

The purpose of this guide This is meant to be a quick-start guide to what most people consider to be the boring part of entrepreneurship... the Business Development or Bureaucratic end of things. This guide is meant to be an easy to understand and digest (for the average person) starting point to get your business running in as both an expeditious and sound manner as possible. If you like this or any of my other guides, please consider supporting my work. You can find all my support links in ...
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D&D + Metal Health Treatment = Healing

Over 30 years ago, when I was in Grade School, I posed a simple question to my teachers... "Why don't you use Dungeons & Dragons to teach us?" ... I was promptly laughed at by both my peers and my teachers. Many years later, while in High School, I posed the same question, albeit more articulately. Yet again, I was chastised and made fun of... 1 teacher even going so far as to call me "stupid" and instructing me to never ask such a "retarded" question again, his words, not mine. I never un...
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My Predictions: Update On 3D Printed Organs

For about 5 years now, one of the many predictions I have been making is that within 2 decades we would have the ability to use 3d printing technology to create replacement organs with 0% rejection. When I have done public speaking engagements on the matters of Futurism and H+, one of the examples is explicitly use in my 3d printer organ prediction is the human heart. Well.... Looks like the folks over at Wyss Institute have taken us a dramatic step closer to that goal. Please take the time to...
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Unity Asset Review - Script Inspector 3

Script Inspector 3 Review ASSET LINK Price $39 usd Rating Overview Quality: Pass Modularity/Workability: Pass Support/Serviceability: Pass Value: Pass Good Blazing fast Small footprint Full-featured Directly integrated into Unity Custom console Full source! Bad Per-seat license The following review is for the Unity Asset Script Inspector 3 (referred to SI after this point) Positives The most obvious positive is how fast this asset it. The speed at which it opens scripts, c...
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Gear Review - Viktos LEO Glove

Viktos LEO Duty Gloves. LINK Price ~$35 usd Rating Overview: Dexterity - FAIL Durability - PASS “Thenar Webspace” test - FAIL Comfort - FAIL Ergonomics – FAIL Good Under-Wrist clasp Pull Tab is very hardy Durable Bad Poor dexterity Sizing issues Does not pass the “Thenar Webspace” test Poor palm ergonomics Touch-Screen function, works but is poorly designed Seams on index, middle and ring fingers lie directly across the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints. Poor breathabilit...
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