Notes on Speculative Anglo-Islamicate Futurism

With the emergence of Muslim Independents as the inevitable moral backlash against Transatlantic vassalage that has plagued these Isles for decades gains steam and momentum there is cause for optimism. Perhaps not. Despite impressive organization at the grassroots level to motivate and coalesce into an efficient protest movement against Starmerite Neo-Blarite Labour, the same stifling rot of managed decline politics has made its way into the Muslim political imagination.  Reheated sloganeering around Britain's zombified welfare state - now more akin to a cryogenic body rotting in a museumified tank, affirming the state religion of the NHS, vague promises about multiculturalism and diversity - this is effectively Blarite Labour brownskin politicking but without the Zionism. Of course this is much more preferable to the variety with Zionist poison, but even if you manage to excise Zionist tumours that have peppered the British body politic you are still left with a dying patient. But it need not be this way. There is a possibility for new political imaginations to shape the next generation, as more and more people are shedding the dead weight of American Imperial vassalage. It does not have to be "business as usual but without Israel" which seems to the be current zeitgeist of the Muslim Independence movement. At present, amidst Cybernetic State formation there is a chance for a type of civilizational arbitrage for the United Kingdom, if the Muslim Independents can bank on the renewed sense of political engagement and steer it to speculative futurisms rather than remoulded museum artifacts. 

At the base layer, the movement should focus on reigning in the surveillance state; to put it simply Britain has become one of the most surveilled countries in the Western hemisphere but without any of the supposed safety benefits. The new powers of digital surveillance are instead incentivising crime enforcement to go after crimes of speech and thought in cyberspace rather than tackling lawless violence in the real world. However, one should consider the nature of the Muslim presence in the UK - young, often concentrated in dense urban areas, in post-industrial hubs and cities like Manchester or Birmingham - this represents an opportunity to test the limits of British devolution and localism. Abandon trite and polite proclamations around welfare, the NHS, diversity, "fairness" etc and instead use urban density as a power to construct city-states that are exercises in speculative futurism. Attack the parasitic layer of bureaucratic localism at the council and ward level, remove planning permissions, reject Green de-developmentalism, the power of pensioner-fuelled NIMBYism, campaign for greater political, monetary and fiscal fragmentation within the Union. Highly dense futuristic urbanism without the dogmas of arresting Anglo local bureucracy holding it back. It is said that "tradition" is the democracy of the dead - not in Britain. In Britain, it is the eternal tyranny of the damned, never able to let those who are living, to live. 

The low-tax city state is the natural abode of many an Ishmaelite - and if sold with the promise and ethic of the Sovereign Individual it will appeal to the indigenous (but fast eroding) instincts of individual liberty of the Anglo. New archeitectural possibilities must be explored in these dense Muslim urban areas. All of this change should be accelerated, with an understanding, that the old markers of political identity that we cling on to right now - "British Muslim", "Brexiteer" etc will cease to become relevant or meaningful in the years to come. Accelerated expansion and the phagocytic impulse of technocapital will erode old labels and communities or at the very least stress test them to the point of collapse. Muslim Independents have an opportunity before Managed Decline politicking establishes itself, to expand and extend the boundaries of political imagination beyond just immediate cathartic anti-Zionism.

We need not have the flatness and dullness of Ikhwani infused welfarism with a side of multiculturalism platitudes, honouring the necropolises of local British bureucracy that embodied the worst of asset manager capitalism and socialism without any of the benefits.

In Britain's major cities, if political imagination is unshackled it could usher in an era of speculative Anglo-Islamicate Futurism where old associations of identity and tribe become laughably obsolete. It represents a chance to challenge Landian projections of dense urbanification being a demographic and IQ shredder. The alternative of course, is to continue meandering along either Managed Decline or hopelessly chasing after a Chesteronian mirage that will never be.

Ibn Maghreb

And God knows best

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