Ruins Photo Description
December 3, 2021•212 words
The hot summer air was blistering, and the shadow of the decayed ruins provided little shelter. The plants were long gone, all that was left being dried up, tan husk of what was mixed in with some weeds. everything was a composite of different shades of beige. The sun's angle made the sky a powerful yellow, bathing everything in a dull filter. The ruins showed ancient writings in many places but time had rendered them illegible. The area smelled of something so vague it was impossible to discern. The stones felt so dry, you could feel them falling apart at the touch. The wind whistled through cracks in the walls and created a low, scratchy note along with the sound of scattering sand from the crumbling structure. And despite its strength, the wind did nothing to help with the sweltering rays of the sun. Through a window on a wall, another set of ruins is visible about 200 meters away. Its silhouette looked similarly uninteresting when compared to the current site. Nonetheless a few vehicles were parked nearby, probably tourists taking a tour of the area. Maybe I should wait here for them to check this one out and catch a free ride back to the hotel. I think I'm done here.