If given the opportunity right now, would you get on a Space Shuttle…

If given the opportunity right now, would you get on a Space Shuttle…

If given the opportunity right now, would you get on a Space Shuttle?We flew 135 missions. Every mission began with being surrounded by a HUGE bomb. There was enough LOX and LH2 in the main tank to freeze you to death or fry you in a huge fireball. The boosters, once lit, were solid fuel and could not be put out, nor detached until they ran out of fuel because if you disconnected them their exhaust would penetrate the tank or the spacecraft itself and instantly destroy the shuttle along with everyone in it. Every single person who got on one of those shuttles knew the calculated (by NASA) risk of catastrophic failure was estimated, with a fairly wide confidence band, at 1-in-100. Said failure was guaranteed to kill you because there is no rescue possible in space; we had no second shuttle that could, for example, be launched to rescue the people in one stranded due to loss of power, even if life support continued to function.The actual risk was 2 in 135; one failure on launch from a failed booster seal and a second when a piece of debris from the launch struck one of the heat tiles on the bottom, put a hole in it and caused the craft to be destroyed on reentry. Both were foreseeable risks but both happened anyway. Humans **** up, in short. We do it every day.How about Alan Shepard? The rocket HE sat on was basically a modified V2 WAR ROCKET. It was designed to produce 11Gs, a force NO HUMAN BEING had taken under a launch (because no human being had been launched!) and nobody knew if he would survive that alone. THESE WERE MILITARY MISSILES and blew up all the time. Yeah, the USSR went first but they didn't announce it until AFTER IT WAS OVER. If their rocket had blown up I bet they wouldn't have told anyone. What do you think Shepard's risk was? Nobody's published it, but given our record with attempted rocket launches that blew up on the pad I'd say he had about 1 chance in 10 of dying "right there" as soon as the button was pushed and he knew it too.He did it anyway.Would you wake up today and take a shower, then go about your daily life? Are you going to commit immediate suicide because of the risk of death? No? Well then then shut the **** up about Covid, your maskhole garbage and your ******ned mandates right here and now.2.8 million Americans, roughly, die every year or about 8,000 each and every day. There are about 330 million Americans. That means that 0.85%, roughly, of all Americans die every single year.COVID has been a risk for one half year, approximately. So the comparable "all cause" risk of dying to this point over the same period is 0.425%, approximately.Roughly 150,000 Americans have died allegedly "of" Covid. Of those many are fraudulently stated and nobody knows exactly how many. These frauds are intentional; someone who gets in a motorcycle accident and has his head squashed like a melon obviously did not die of Covid, and I need only find ONE to know that a bunch of someones are intentionally lying about the death rate for this disease. Nonetheless, even with all the fraud they can and do muster without any pushback by you PUSSIES out there, the risk of dying from Covid is 0.05% and this presumes that the big spike rate continues until 12 months have been racked up. That will not happen because a huge number of easily-killed people are already dead and you can only die once. Nonetheless, let's be pessimistic.Again, the risk of dying GENERALLY is 0.425%.In other words Covid is about 10% of the whole, when you get down to it, and the rate of death as a percentage of the cases has fallen BY A FACTOR OF FIVE since April. Removing the stupidity of cramming the virus into nursing homes and allowing health care workers to be a vector, which we've PARTLY corrected (but held nobody to account for) THIS VIRUS NOW ACCOUNTS FOR ROUGHLY ONE DEATH IN FIFTY AT THE PRESENT TIME AND THERE IS NO REASON TO BELIEVE IT WILL EVER BE HIGHER THAN THAT AGAIN.Contrast this with SARS, which has a 15% risk of death (it's a stunning 50% if you're over 65!) or Smallpox, which is about 30% if you get the nasty and most-common form, "variola major." Most of those who survive are permanently disfigured as well. Those are and were emergencies and justified all manner of constraint. Incidentally smallpox is one of only two viruses ever successfully eradicated from the world.**COVID-19 IS NOT AN EMERGENCY BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION AND YOU ARE A ****NED MORON IF YOU THINK IT IS OR THAT THE TRILLION OF DOLLARS BLOWN IN THE US ALONE ON THE BASIS OF THIS ALLEGED "EMERGENCY" HAD ANY JUSTIFICATION WHATSOEVER.As with the risk of dying generally if you are old, frail, overweight, diabetic, have high blood pressure, drink too much, do hard drugs, have cancer, have a ****ed-up immune system or otherwise Covid is more likely to kill you than the average person. Big ****ing deal; if you have any of those conditions you're more likely to be part of the 0.85% of America that dies every year as well. That's what co-morbidity means, *******!A very substantial percentage of those co-morbidities, indeed MOST OF THEM are a consequence of individual choice. I did not eat those 10 bags of Doritos, you did. I did not eat the six Chocolate cakes, you did. I did not choose to sit on my ass, you did. I did not choose to buy a riding lawnmower instead of a push-behind which actually gives you some exercise, you did. I did not hire the Illegal Mexican Lawn Service instead of cutting my own lawn, you did. I did not drink the whole bottle of Vodka last night, you did. I did not smoke the 2 packs of cigarettes a day for 20 years, you did. And so on.**You do not have the right, after having made those decisions, to demand that I wear a ned diaper on my face because you fear the consequences of your own VOLUNTARY actions. If you are scared of that consequence buy a P100 yourself AND USE IT, but as for making demands of everyone else SHUT THE **** UP. Period.We each make decisions. You may decide that the pleasure you obtain from the cigarettes, the vodka or whatever else is worth the risk. That's fine with me. I believe in personal choice. It is not my place to tell you how to weigh the risks and benefits of whatever decision you make. I have personally decided to do intentional decompression diving in a cave, where poor planning, ty execution or just bad luck could have led to my immediate demise and exactly none of the ways you die if something goes wrong are "peaceful and painless" either. It's my decision, and my risk. It was also my reward; those places are some of the most-beautiful I have ever encountered in my short nearly-58 years on this rock, and it was absolutely worth every bit of risk to see them. I knew that I might die, and that the odds were high if I did it was by my own stupidity, it could also happen by random bad luck.With your personal choice comes personal responsibility. You, and only you, know exactly what sort of risks you have. You, and only you, are responsible for taking what is a 0.05% risk of dying if you get Covid (less than the flu) and turning it into a 5% risk, which is ONE HUNDRED TIMES higher. I am not responsible for your personal risk being 100 times that of the average, healthy person nor am I responsible for destroying my life, YOU ARE.Further, this fear-mongering and orgy of government money-printing and bull has created the risk of a full-on fiscal and monetary collapse. If you think Covid is dangerous you had better think again -- if THAT happens then 150 million Americans may decide to shoot the other 150 million because all 330 million of us are hungry enough to eat another human. You can print credit ("money") with the push of a button but you cannot print a cow, a chicken, eggs, cars, electricity OR, AS YOU SAW RECENTLY, TOILET PAPER.The odds of you dying from a CIVIL WAR or flat-out privation if this bull is not stopped NOW is MUCH HIGHER than the risk of dying from Covid. A dislocation in critical infrastructure could kill HALF of the American population.Tell me how you'd like Portland every single night, everywhere. Tell me how many truck drivers will go into there and restock the store. Tell me what you'll do for water when it stops working because your pump has no electricity or your municipal supply has no power and thus, NO PRESSURE. Tell me all about how you're so ******NED SURE that the government can just keep making it all up as they go along WHEN WE JUST HAD A -30% GDP PRINT COME OUT LAST WEEK AND THAT WAS DESPITE THE GOVERNMENT HANDING EVERYONE $ 1,200 A PERSON AND IF YOU WERE OUT OF WORK $600/wk, ENOUGH TO SIT ON YOUR ASS AND SMOKE BONG HITS.Even with all THAT the economy contracted at a rate WORSE than the Great Depression. All because you're scared little ****ing CHILDREN over a disease that has managed to kill 0.05% of the population and most of the people it killed were going to die within the next few months anyway.Oh sure, there are exceptions. There are ALWAYS exceptions! I know someone who I went to school with that was the Jock-of-all-Jocks. HE FELL OVER DEAD WALKING TO THE COFFEE POT IN HIS 30s. An unknown and thus untreated heart problem killed him dead where he stood. Another person I went to High School with had the same sort of thing happen to him in his home in his 20s; he was found in his recliner at his house a few days later. IT HAPPENS but you don't hear that reported in the news breathlessly by the media trying to scare the living ing **** out of you on a daily basis FOR POLITICAL REASONS.There ARE ANSWERS to Covid. We could stop transmission IN A WEEK and we knew how IN MARCH. Our CDC, NIH, FDA and the rest of the government have INTENTIONALLY refused to take the very simple steps to do so.THIS IS NOT AN ACCIDENT and I, for one, am tired of the BULL flying around about how we all ought to change how we live and who we are when there is ABSOLUTELY no reason to do any such thing.You can find that answer right here: https://tickerforum.org/akcs-www?post=23....250 years ago we revolted and SHOT a bunch of British soldiers over, in no small part, a three percent tax on tea. Smallpox, at the time, was all over the ned place, it killed a third of the people who got it and we went to war anyway. We ejected those *s, BY FORCE.Look at NY's data. The TOTAL number of people who have died in NYC with NONE of the known underlying conditions, MOST OF WHICH ARE A CONSEQUENCE OF PERSONAL CHOICE, is ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN. More than HALF of all who died in NYC were over the age of SEVENTY FIVE. The AVERAGE life expectancy in the US is SEVENTY EIGHT.Among those who Covid19 has killed THE MAJORITY WERE ALREADY STATISTICALLY DEAD and you can only die ONCE.https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covi....The number of people over 75 with none of the comorbid conditions that Covid19 has killed in NYC number TWO. A literal TWO. The number 65-74 with no such condition that it has killed number FOUR. That's right -- FOUR. WITH those conditions you are ONE THOUSAND TIMES more likely to die if you're over 65, and an astounding FOUR THOUSAND TIMES more likely if you're >75. If you're 46-64 you're FORTY SIX TIMES more likely to die if you're fat, diabetic or have heart disease than if not.WITH VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS (e.g. Type 1 diabetes) ALL OF THOSE ARE A RESULT OF PERSONAL CHOICES.IF YOU ARE NOT CO-MORBID IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE, 90+% OF WHICH OCCURS AS A RESULT OF YOUR OWN PERSONAL CHOICES, YOU ARE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIMES LESS LIKELY TO DIE OF COVID-19.ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIMES, NOT PERCENT.The current risk of death if you get Covid-19 SYMPTOMATICALLY, by my tracking, is approximately 1.7%. That is down by a factor of about FIVE since April. Why? Because we murdered all the really easy-to-kill people in nursing homes by forcing the virus in there, especially in NY and a few other states.Your risk if you get Covid-19 and do not have one of those listed conditions is 0.02%.**STATISTICALLY, YOUR RISK WITHOUT THOSE CONDITIONS IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE IS SO CLOSE TO ZERO THAT IT MAY AS WELL BE CONSIDERED ZERO AND IN MOST CASES THOSE WHO HAVE SAID CONDITIONS **DESTROYED THEIR OWN HEALTH VOLUNTARILY BY THEIR OWN INTENTIONAL ACTIONS**I AM NOT CHANGING A NED THING TO ALLEGEDLY MITIGATE A RISK THAT IS <1% OF ALL THE CAUSES THAT MIGHT KILL ME THIS YEAR. ANY SUCH CHANGE IS LIKELY TO INCREASE RATHER THAN DECREASE MY RISK OF DEATH SINCE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ACTION WITHOUT RISK AND THE POTENTIAL REWARD IS A STATISTICAL ZERO.Take your MANDATES and shove them up your ASS. This disease is NOT deadly to the ordinary, healthy person. Yes, it occasionally kills someone who doesn't have any of those conditions WHICH THEY BROUGHT UPON THEMSELVES.All diseases do occasionally do that. I accept the risk.If you want to address Covid transmission the link above tells you how. Our government has had the ability to do so FOR THE LAST FOUR MONTHS and has deliberately and maliciously refused. That includes every bit of the CDC, NIH, FDA both houses of Congress AND PRESIDENT TRUMP. every one of them, **** every single Governor and Mayor along with their so-called "constraints" and for those of who you are REEEEing screaming Karens YOU ARE THE REASON WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A FISCAL AND POLITICAL COLLAPSE AND WHEN WE DO YOU, YOUR SPOUSES AND CHILDREN WILL ALSO BE THE PEOPLE WHO DIE FIRST AND WORST AS ALL YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IS SCREAM LIKE A 2 YEAR OLD HAVING A TEMPER TANTRUM WHILE STICKING YOUR HEAD UP YOUR OWN ASS.*Last modified: *2020-08-01 11:00:27 by tickergu

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