Sri Bhagavan on do what you or love what you do?

Thank you Sri Bhagavan. Padapranams my dear Sri Bhagavan, What is correct? Do what you love, or love what you do? Please provide us with more clarity as youth are getting stuck by these questions. Sri Bhagavan: I will give you a short answer. You must essentially do what you love. But it may not always happen so. Life will not go the way you want it to go. Sometimes it will go the way you want it to go; sometimes it will go in a different direction. Suppose it does not go the way you want it t...
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Sri Bhagavan the Closer you Get to Divine

Sri Bhagavan: The closer you get to the Divine, the more freedom you will experience. The more your bond with the Divine is strengthened, the more your consciousness will grow, and you will experience more freedom. This means freedom from the past. Once there is freedom from the past, you will become extremely creative. The past prevents you from being creative. The past could be there, but it should not make use of you. You should make use of the past. Once you get this freedom, be it in the fi...
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Sri Bhagavan on listening and relationship

✨✨✨✨🙏🆎🙏✨✨✨✨ 🔸Q.) Bhagavan, why do we listen to some people and not to others? These things happen especially with our parents and close people. Close ones tell us things and we ignore them. Same things when told by others, we listen to them. These things are hurting others. How to deal with them? 🔸SRI BHAGAVAN: "See, in a close relationship you generally take that relationship for granted. It is so close to you, you feel " it belongs to me, its mine". So you take that relationship for granted n...
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Mahavakyas of Kalki

I. I am The Supreme Light; The Supreme Word; The Supreme Friend; The Supreme Knowledge; The Supreme Intelligence; The Supreme Source and The Supremely Sacred.II. If only you would seek ME with your whole heart; then I shall manifest inside you, in the form I choose, or the form you desire; OR, I shall appear to you outside, again in the form I choose or the form you desire-for every form is MY FORM and I AM your Supreme Friend. III. I shall reveal unto you, now and here, all that I have ever rev...
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Sri Bhagavan on experiences turning to joy

SRI BHAGAVAN: "Pleasure and pain, good and bad, gain and loss are inevitable as also inseparable experiences of life. To separate one from the other, to push one and pull another is ignorance. Assuming loss today might be the gateway to a gigantic gain tomorrow. Embedded inside pain could be the seeds of love. The conflict and the struggle that you are going through at this very moment could as well be a blessing in disguise.To know an accident from a coincidence, might take two years, twenty ye...
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Sri Bhagavan Quotes

Sri Bhagavan Quotes Read more of [[Sri Bhagavan Teachings]] or catch a glimpse! The ultimate blessing and the most transformative is to see our beloved Bhagavan and listen to him as he expounds on the various truths here's a playlist of Sri Bhagavan's videos Letting go of the need to control is surrender. And man's victory lies in his surrender to god. ~ Sri Bhagavan Silence is not the absence of noise, nor is it the absence of thought. It is a state of consciousness which acts as...
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