Day 26

Today was an interesting day.

Firstly, our children were absolutely wild today. Tantrums. Fighting. Arguing. The lot. It felt intense.

And yet somehow, through all the chaos, my wife and I essentially decided that we are done with the caravan and travel life. Now I'm not going to lie, this has been brewing for some time. It should be no secret by now, by travel life is hard. Don't get me wrong, there are some incredible aspects to it - but it is bloody hard. And on top of that, trying to work close to full time while travelling full time has taken its toll over the last 18 months.

I said to my wife today that I feel like we are trying to swim upstream. That even though we are finding it difficult we are still trying to persist, clinging onto the idea and identity we have created as a 'travelling family'.

But the time has come for some stability. An actual roof over our heads. A chance for our girls to make friendships that last more then 4 days. And there are so many other reasons for making this call.

I'll shed some light shortly on why now exactly. But I'll keep that to myself for now.

See you tomorrow.



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