Day 28

Another night of not having anything overly brilliant to write about.

Today was a very slow moving day - the cold mornings here in Melbourne are not very motivating in regards to getting outside in the morning. I much prefer the Queensland lifestyle and weather (hence why we are moving there!).

But today was full some beautiful moments, in awe of my girls as they played together and created games out of seamingly thin air - listening to how they are conversing and their story lines. It's a truly beautiful thing, and there is no doubt they are growing up way too fast. Blink and you'll miss it. Which is why writing things like this is nice - I really am trying to make a concerted effort to be as present as possible around them.

Because nothing else matters except for the present moment - the past is gone and the future hasn't happened. So the more I can root myself in the present moment, the happier I will be, because isn't there life is lived anyway?

See you tomorrow.



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