hi i haven't forgotten about you

actually, I think about this place almost everyday

And I wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you, and that I made some uh mistakes over the last couple weeks with what I'm doing with my time, and that came from starting to think "I don't have time this week to write, I'll write when I do have time" because it's all about making time to do the things that are important to you, and I haven't been doing that, so I'm sorry.

I'm working on things, a little less than I should, but there are things that are still in works, and I still do things and it crosses my mind that I want to write about it, and I start a new draft, and there are so many drafts, but I'll finish them this time. They will be good works. I promise. I will work on you more.

But today, I finally decided that I will put time aside to write and put out works, so here is one, and it's okay that it took like 10 minutes to write and it's just brain dump because it's about getting moving that's important.

PROMYS 2024 blog is almost done. There was a period of time where I didn't work on it (or anything), but I'm back to working on it again. There is so much I want to say. Perhaps I should learn a lesson in not saying everything that crosses my mind. I will have to reflect.

There are also so many things that I want to write about that happened in my first weeks back. They're also the reason why I haven't been writing, but I want to record them. So look forwards to that I guess. But yes, I can't have my last post be from a month ago.

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