
Sophomore at MIT majoring in math. Clarinetist, anime and gacha game connoisseur (in particular Mihoyo fangirl), foodie, gamer, stationery addict, pretty bad go player, pretty bad rock climber. My biggest flex is I can type at 150 wpm. A record of my life with all the highs and lows for your and my own reference.

"you don't deserve to suffer"

"You don't deserve to suffer", a recurring motif recently in my conversations. The people who have told me that don't understand how much that means to me. I mean, there has been a lot of sweet and kind things said to me recently because it was my birthday this past Friday and people wrote me nice, sweet, kind notes. Reading their heartfelt words, I realized how easy it is to forget how much people care about you. Go write your friends a kind note. Maybe they've forgotten (or just never learne...
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Phin Coffee House

I have a pset due tonight that I haven't started. Oh and a midterm in two days. After I finish writing this I gotta lock in hardcore. Unfortunately today is not a coffee day, so we're doing a matcha review (because I've been thinking about matcha since the Maruichi popup with that one famous matcha guy) Phin Coffee House Rating: 2/5 Location: 10 High St, Boston, MA 02110 Ordered: large Matcha latte (6), Chicken Banh Mi (11), coffee cake (5) Vibes: Chill, brightly lit, with light wood furni...
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hi i haven't forgotten about you

actually, I think about this place almost everyday And I wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you, and that I made some uh mistakes over the last couple weeks with what I'm doing with my time, and that came from starting to think "I don't have time this week to write, I'll write when I do have time" because it's all about making time to do the things that are important to you, and I haven't been doing that, so I'm sorry. I'm working on things, a little less than I should, bu...
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26 Hours in Phoenix

PROMYS 2024 had just ended. Caught up in all the goodbyes, getting lost with two other students, and the bus to the airport getting super delayed, I was really worried that I wasn't going to make my flight on time. That's okay though, because while we were walking in circles at South Station trying to find the goddamn bus to the airport (and the ironic part is that I've taken this bus multiple times), I found out that my flight is delayed by an hour and a half. I still ended up at the gate abo...
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Life-Changing Realization

I can't shy away from hard things. I have to continue to challenge myself to do hard things, like be forced to make decisions about people so that I can help even more people down the line. It's so important to me to help any person I come across be their best self (though it's not true for anyone. I feel the calling more for some people than others. There are people we're destined to help, I believe). Life's easier when you're enduring the suffering for something that you care about. (I suppo...
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The Correct Usage of Multiplication Symbols (and also, other types of products!)

This post was written as part of my submission to MIT's Blogger Applications for 2024 What is something totally inconsequential that you have a strong opinion about? No, there isn't a best symbol to represent multiplication. If there was a best symbol, it definitely would not be the center dot. Different occasions call for different symbols, and it's crucial that you use them for the right occasion, or you might seriously offend your residential mathematician. I'll be typing my examples in...
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This post was written as part of my submission to MIT's Blogger Applications for 2024 Write at least 400 words about a random monotonous small thing in as much detail as you can. Every Sunday, I'll wake up quite early (mind you, at this school quite early means 8am), and I'll spring out of bed because Sunday is laundry day. The sooner that I get done with laundry means the sooner I can sit down and start working on all the things that I have due on Monday. Starting laundry early is importan...
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Ogawa Coffee

I literally spent 30 minutes choosing places today, and then I decided that I was going to hop on the T and go to this spot that I've had bookmarked for a long time now. Man, was I impressed. Ogawa Coffee Rating: 5/5 Location: 10 Milk St, Boston, MA 02108 Ordered: Kyoto house blend (3.5), smoked salmon bagel (13.25), matcha cake roll (10.75) Vibes: Immaculate. The baristas have uniforms of white shirts, black ties, and a black apron over it. The place is very modern, industrial-esque with it...
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Cafe hopping cont: Phinista Cafe

PROMYS means I'm in Boston means I can continue cafe hopping :) Phinista Cafe Rating: 3.5/5 Location: 96 Peterborough St, Boston, MA 02215 Ordered: Iced Phin Ube (6), Matcha Bun (4.5), Saigon Breakfast Banh Mi (11) Vibes: A cute little coffeeshop just a little distance away from Fenway. Dark wood furniture against a white backdrop. Lots of real flowers and plants everywhere. It's the kind of decoration at a Vietnamese coffee shop, I suppose. No music playing, tons of chatter, good crowd but ...
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you don't know who your secret admirers are

I swear I'm not a stalker. I'm pretty sure other people do the same too! There's this guy with amazing style and he's the reason why I got a wolf cut. He's a senior, or, he was a senior. He graduated this year, and I'll never see him again. He's never going to know that he has inspired me to change my hair style. He's never going to know that he's literally changed a part of me. I will clarify that getting a wolf cut had been on my mind for a while at the time, as it was something that my bf...
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going back to China

Where have I been? Traveling. First of all, I am Singaporean, but my parents were born and raised in China. It was a very interesting time. My parents (and by extension, my grandparents) witnessed the rapid development that China underwent. I once interviewed my mother for my final project in my 7th grade history class, and she told me about food rations, coal stoves, and going to bed cold and hungry. Now, pretty girls sit in front of buildings of steel and glass, talking to their phones on a ...
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summer goals

Oh, it's summer again. Last summer, I started this blog. How time flies. I'll be really busy this summer compared to all the summers in the past. I'm going back to my home country of Singapore for the first time in ages (I was still in elementary school when I last visited, I believe). Since I'm kind of pooped from traveling, I've asked to just chill for a day at least. And so I'm sitting in the neighborhood public library, typing out this blog. I would like to be reading some math textbook, b...
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End of Freshman Year

I'm on a flight out of Boston, having slept approximately 60 minutes in the last 36 hours in the form of ten minute naps and microsleeps, and I lost my left Galaxy bud to the depths of the airplane floor. The turbulence is going kinda crazy, but I'm only bothered in the sense that every little bump and jerk the plane does, my earbud rolls a little further away from me and my chances of finding it after we deplane decreases. I'll probably recover it, I think. The end of the year happened so fas...
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Weathering with You Review + People Pleasing

I'm going back to Singapore for the first time in like 7 years with my mom, and we're flying through Japan Airlines, stopping in Tokyo for a couple hours (enough for me to do some touristy stuff). But that's irrelevant. The important part is that I'm on the flight right now and they have Weathering with You as part of the in-flight entertainment. It's one of those shows that was really big and popular back then, but I never got the chance to check it out and it's been on the back burner ever sin...
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not me going to coffee shops instead of studying: Thinking Cup

I had to come up to this side of Boston to run an errand, and so I decided to hit up a coffee shop and be super, duper productive because I really need to lock in for my finals (and here I am, spending at least half an hour writing this review). I had seen this place mentioned a couple times on r/boston, and so I've been waiting to try it out. The guy next to me has a sketchpad out and Canvas pulled up on his iPad, I think he's an art student frantically trying to finish his work for the semeste...
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finals week or my final week?

Quick update, because I don't want to leave y'all hanging. Unfortunately, I have a final in every one of my classes. I've organized a notion with the grades I need to get an A in the class. For some classes, it's not very high (like 8.02, of which I just need a 60%). For other classes, I need to get a B, and I don't know if I can guarantee that. I know I have a tendency to stress out about stuff, and I'm definitely getting stressed out right now. But what usually happens is that a couple day...
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4/26 update !!! - self care is important

I cut my ankle and it lowkey bled everywhere. I was standing in a puddle of blood that was gathered in my knock-off crocs (thank god I wasn't wearing an actual shoe because that would be annoying asf to deal with) and it was a rather awkward situation to deal with overall imo. Now I'm seated at my desk, which is next to my bed, and I have my legs up on my bed (which is so very nice and warm and cozy) and I think to myself, what better way to spend my time injured than to update my blog? For the...
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CPW !!!!!

OMG ALL THE HAPPY PREFROSH ON CAMPUS their excitement is contagious (i'm literally more excited than some of them). Why study for test when I can talk to prefrosh and write about talking to prefrosh. But seriously though, why is there even class over cpw??? Why do I have a test during cpw???? I want to hang out with the prefrosh and pump them up and get them to comMIT. Oh yeah, btw, CPW (Campus Preview Weekend) is a weekend lasting 3.14 days where adMITted students come and visit MIT! Over thi...
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More Coffeeshops!! Gypsy Place Coffee

It's Marathon Monday, and I don't have anything to do, nor much work to get done. And so we continue on the coffee shop grind. It's also such a nice day, it'd be a shame if I spent the entire day indoors. I might make this into a series. I should really lean into the foodie part of me. According to online reviews, this place is highly rated for vibes and their healthy food options. There is a wide variety of smoothies and smoothie bowls, along with regular brunch items (toast, sandwiches, wa...
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Spring Break Cafe Hopping pt 4: Render Coffee

It was raining today, but since there wasn't a very strong wind, I push forwards on my cafe hopping journey. Today, I crossed the river to hit up this coffee shop near Berklee and Northeastern. I've been trying to taste more local-crafted coffees and this was one of the shops that did that. I actually biked here so I was soaked when I arrived. I also did not sleep as much as I should on break last night, so the cup of coffee is appreciated. Render Coffee Rating: 3/5 Location: 563 Columbus Ave...
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Spring Break Cafe Hopping pt 3: Curio Coffee

I did not have breakfast this morning, and I was rushing to go to a meeting that I found out was cancelled when I arrived (I did not have time in the morning to check before I left), and so I made my way here without much preparation. It's a bit away from campus, but since I was on the east side of campus, and this place was located east of campus, I decided to make my way here. Unfortunately for me, this place sells waffles as their only food item, and so I was kind of disappointed that I cou...
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Spring Break Cafe Hopping pt 2: 1369 Coffeehouse

It's located in Central, where Hmart and Target is, which is where I plan on going after I have my little lunch here. Good location for grocery shopping after :). I don't know what a kouign-amann is, so I purchased one because it would be a shame if I kept going to coffeeshops without buying at least one pastry (ouch wallet). 1369 Coffeehouse Rating: 4.5/5 Location: 757 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 Ordered: Latte (4.95), Basic Bird sandwich (11.50), Kouign-Amann (5) Time spent: 2.25...
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Spring Break Cafe Hopping pt 1: intro and Pepita Coffee

dragging myself out of my room every morning to avoid the brainrot, but also developing a caffeine addiction and wasting my mother's money (sorry mom) I make no claims about being a food expert and knowing anything about coffee (i've never drank coffee seriously before). These are obviously my opinions, and there are people who are way more qualified to give their opinion on food than I am. As I was walking to my last (and only) class on Friday, not counting the class that I always skip, I b...
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Saturday, Mar 16, 2024: It's such a nice day outside

It's such a nice day outside. The sun is shining and I don't have to battle the wind that bites at your skin and chills you to the bone whenever I walk outside. It feels like it's summer, and it just makes me smile and be happy in general. There are people outside in the field that my room overlooks playing frisbee and soccer. They're blasting some kind of rap music which is just a little bit annoying since I have my window open (I can finally open my window!) People like sun in general. It mak...
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Ranking all the libraries

Disclaimer: obviously this is my personal opinion, so don't flame me? Every library has a 24/7 space that is a strict subset of the entire library that is open 24/7. When the library closes, students (and other members of the MIT community) must relocate to the 24/7 space to work. It's probably the only places that have security cameras or something so they know you're not destroying books or whatever collections they're hiding. Anyways, I distinguish between these two parts of the library, si...
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the forbidden middle stall

I went to a cafe to grind out some psets today. I ordered myself a little latte (I've decided that I'm a latte girl now), a slice of pistachio cheesecake, and a chicken pesto prosciutto sandwich. I got there with my friend at around 11:30. We were planning on visiting another cafe called Cicada, but it's really popular and there was a wait to get inside. So we ended up in some chain Italian cafe that had decent vibes. My friend left halfway through to get groceries, so I was chilling by myself f...
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I get motion sick easily

That too familiar, too dreaded clench in my chest, a disgusting taste of dry acid in my esophagus, I want to spit it out, heave it out, but nothing comes out except stale air. It's all in my head. Remember, it's not real, your mind is just confused, tricking you, it doesn't know you're moving when you're not moving, or was it the other way around? I forgot. I forget easily. I get lost easy, lost in the silly feelings I make worse myself. Breathe (in). Don't stop (out) breathing (in). When...
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Tomorrow's a Snow Day

Tomorrow's a snow day and I'm sitting on my bed looking all silly with a face mask that my friend gifted me on my birthday four months ago, that I haven't found a moment in the last four months to lay it on my face for 15-20 minutes and just chill. It's not really that I don't have time, because that's never really the case, it's just that I haven't made time for it. Like how I haven't made the time to write in more than just a hot second. But it's okay, because I have the time now to write,...
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Brief Thoughts on Friendship

I was catching up with a friend yesterday and I asked her: "What is the hardest thing for you to adjust to in college?" Her response was that maintaining friendships was hard now. She talked about her experiences, and I realized that she was vocalizing what I also felt. So here I am today to talk about it. When you're in high school, she explained, your friends were people that you meet on a regular basis, whether it be through classes or some kind of recurring extracurricular activity. You do...
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Some thoughts pt. 2

I started writing these a really long time ago, and I was scrolling through my old drafts and I thought this one is one of the easier ones to polish up and publish. I see so many people on campus ride bicycles without their hands. They aren't going that fast either. And they can also turn?? I can barely take turns without falling over. Well, being on the weird BlueBikes is definitely not helpful. I think part of it does have something to do with the bikes they have. Honestly, I think it's just...
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