They're in a vague order of interest. Those without a link next to them denotes things I want to read/watch, and whatever I have consumed and have a few thoughts about, I write a blog post about them and link them here.


You know, I'm starting to get into buying books for myself and then writing in them. There's something about that level of engagement that helps me really absorb the material, I think. I used to read a ton of fiction when I was in middle school. I never got the point of book ownership then because I really was only reading to pass the time. Nowadays, I'm reading for some kind of enrichment, and I want to remember everything that I read. Owning a book is also nice, because that means I can go back and read it again or something.

  • Flatland -
  • Beyond Good and Evil - currently reading this
  • The Myth of Sisyphus
  • No Longer Human
  • The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life - read a few pages, and ended up dropping it. To be fair it was on e-book format and I think I'm more a physical book kind of person, so I might invest in this.
  • Critique on Judgement



My anime list (I try to keep it updated):