This Past Week #22


Every week I'm doing a "recap" of the stuff I shared here. One key sentence from every post. Plus a few things I'm currently reading/watching/listening to. Enjoy!

Key sentence

Monday - When push comes to shove.

Tuesday - Ok, I'll go live my life now.

Wednesday - This notion of perfecting what is already great is something I'd like to explore more.

Thursday - Each one of them is a small step forward.

Friday - Simplicity is king.

Saturday - It's always better to have more than one.

Recently watched

Why Helsinki's Library Robots Aren't Important - Tom Scott (

Andy Yen: Think your email's private? Think again - TED Talks (

Currently reading

Three Continents to Freedom by Sandra Lundin

Listening to

Live In Europe by Jose Gonzalez & The String Theory (

Focus is a Super Power - Focused (

Wish you a great weekend and see you tomorrow!

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