fear and lethargy are the enemies of life

Fear says, Life is too much. It's too big. You can't manage that. You're not up to that. Hide out, hang out, stay away. It's better that way. Lethargy says, Chill out, cool off, have a bonbon, turn on the telly. Tomorrow's another day. Both are the enemies of life. - James Hollis from A Life of Meaning

Fear and lethargy prevent us from living our best life. It is such a simple idea presented by James Hollis, but it really resonated with me. In each situation we are in, it is helpful to understand which one is primarily at play.

For example, when we put off the paper we are supposed to be writing, is it fear or lethargy that is blocking our progress? At first, you may crack down on yourself for being lazy. But no amount of discipline will lead to progress on the paper if fear is the problem. Understanding that fear is the reason the paper is not being written is the first step to getting to work. Instead of focusing on strategies to overcome laziness, we can tackle the fear head on.

For over a decade, I have wanted to wake up early. It would simplify many other things in my life if I could be someone who gets up at 5:30 everyday. In this scenario, lethargy is the enemy. Fear is not an issue. I have everything I need to be successful. But I just "Chill out" and sleep in. If I could change one habit, it would be my wake up time. I talk about it. But each morning, lethargy gets the best of me.

Think of something you are struggling with. Is it fear or lethargy that is holding you back?

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