

some day you'll read this

Test blog

It is windy. ...
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This is getting silly

So I have shingles. Again. The last time was at the start of February, and this current influx (an influx of shingles...) marks the fourth time in a year. All previous times it's been brought on by stress and feeling run down. This time, I wasn't stressed, and I wasn't run down. Or at least I didn't think I was. So I have no idea why it's come out. I noticed it for what it was yesterday, but the docs was closed as it was Sunday. So this morning I made the call, and collected the pills this lunch...
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Yielding and being carried along by the Wind of the Spirit

Praying in tongues As I pray in tongues for extended times, I allow the Holy Spirit to take control of me. It is a yielding of my heart to His. It takes faith - and I believe. I believe that as I do this, He comes and leads me. As I do this more, my life and ministry will become more influenced and inspired (literally "breathed into") by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I might make decisions or say things which are Spirit inspired yet I am not aware of that fact. Silence God is in total control. ...
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Myself in ministry

I feel happiest when I'm writing and preaching my own sermons. I ask God what He wants me to preach on, and I preach with His empowering and guiding. God brought me to be the pastor of this church for a reason, and it is as I live out who I am in Him where He uses me the most. ...
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Yesterday I had my Covid vaccine. The Oxford one. Waiting in anticipation for side effects. Update. Side effects for me are minimal, just fatigue. ...
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I have spent the last hour doing approximately nothing. That's a shame, seeing that I have so much I should be doing. I can't get myself into the right headspace. Does anyone have any tips for me? You can't leave comments. Hmm. ...
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At the start of this new lockdown I feel, to quote Nicola Sturgeon, "scunnered." I don't feel like I have much in me. Whether it is the sense of the unknown - will the kids go to school? when will they go to school? will it be hard to get them to go to school? - or just the change in general to how it was back in March - I feel empty. But I have to give. There are people who need encouragement and apparently I am the one who has to give it to them. Is that right or wrong? I feel like I need a br...
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I am not sure what to expect

When we were locked down in March last year, it had surprising novelty factor. Flour ran out in supermarkets. That was fun. We baked bread with no flour. Schools were shut. That was not so much fun, but we enjoyed home-schooling at least for a couple of weeks. My wife and I are both key-workers but taught our children for months. Too long, probably. We eventually caved and sent them to school two days a week before the summer holidays started. This time I am just not sure what to expect. I am i...
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