De-marginalize people and nature

The Principles for Reinventing Prosperity emerged from a process of consultation with stakeholders and climate organizers dealing with deep local disruptions from the COVID pandemic throughout 2020. The Principles consider the material interests of people, Nature, and whole societies, to inform sustainable development and investment, and secure a livable future. Ocean health and resilience is part of that.

The 2022 Reinventing Prosperity Report focused on a ‘Capital to Communities’ approach to designing and deploying sustainability-oriented policy and investment. It is a recognition that an integrated and holistic approach to ocean, climate, nature, food, health, and overall human and societal wellbeing requires insight into how people live, what they aspire to, and how they can leverage local experience to drive change.

Whether we can build Main Street local economies that serve everyday needs reliably and affordably, whether we can sustain the security of nations large and small, ultimately depends on whether the ocean — both in coastal areas and in the remote deep ocean — is able to do for the Earth system what living oceans do.

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