How Undiscovered Our Ocean Is

Monday, 9 Oct 2023

I recently watched the latest Cleo Abram's video about the ocean. I've known the fact that our ocean has been only explored about 5%, 15 years ago. We still haven't progressed much since then by the way. Meanwhile, we have mapped the surface of the Mars at a higher resolution than our ocean. I mean, it's understandable that the ocean has quite a dynamic environment such that it is hostile, uneven (the ocean seabed) with extreme temperatures, pressure and darkness, which makes it difficult to explore. Indeed, the vastness and mystery of the ocean are a testament to the greatness of Allah, the Creator of all things. But also, Antarctica was also an unknown continent 100 years ago. So that makes me wonder, how long will the human race fully explore our ocean, the home to a vast diversity of life, source of food and resources, a place that plays a vital role in the Earth's climate and weather systems. Something that plays a huge role in our life, yet it is still not fully explored yet.

Other than that, I recommend checking out the video; it's amazing. There are new technologies being implemented to explore our ocean even faster than ever. So that's interesting. Just watch that video.

Full video:

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