
Monday, Dec 18, 2023

Yeah. Sorry. It's been a while actually since I last posted anything on my blog or Instagram or wherever I post. Mainly because my laptop has some sort of problem, specifically in this case, a problem with the motherboard. The motherboard was fried. So that means I have to choose between two options: either I should opt to repair that motherboard, which, in a sense, I don't know how long it's going to last. It could have the same problem in another two years, if not in one year. So I don't know if it's worth repairing, or the second option is just to buy a new one. So I decided to choose the second option. Yeah, I just got the new one sometime last week, and I've been trying to reorient myself back on track.

One thing that I noticed with the absence of my laptop for the past two weeks was the fact that I was quite reliant on it for most things happening in my life. At least my social life is not on hold just because I have my phone. But for everything else — productivity, mental health — I noticed that I was quite dependent on my laptop. In a sense, I do need to reassess my relationship with my laptop. I know one year ago, I read the book on digital minimalism, but I didn't really evaluate how I approach the devices in my life. I didn't actually evaluate my relationship with my laptop because it's an indispensable piece of technology that I don't think is worth thinking through about how it affects my life. Recent events have made it clear that I do have to do that. I really have to do that.

The point is, my laptop's motherboard was fried, so I had to wait for a new one to come in. In the meantime, I wasn't doing anything productive other than the lab work. I wasn't doing any research for a paper or posting anything on blog posts or Instagram. That's why I've been absent for the past two or three weeks. So hopefully, I can get back on track sooner than later. Yeah, very soon. InsyaAllah. So, bye-bye.

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