Readwise Highlight 5: Deep Work (Commitment Frees Up Time)

Saturday, Jan 6, 2024

I know it's been a while. I've got some videos recorded from last year, but actually, for this year, this would be my very first video for 2024. So, I thought because it's been like over a month since I last recorded something, I've recorded one explaining why I haven't been posting for a little while during the month of December. I don't know when I will post that, but today I just want to talk about another highlight. I think it's very relatable because we're in the early days of 2024, a new year. Obviously, we will all have some sort of New Year resolutions if you're into that. I've got mine as well. I will talk about them in another video, but yeah, here we go—the read-wise highlight. It's from Cal Newport, 'Deep Work: Rules for Focus, Success, and a Distracted World.' So, it's a very short highlight.

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Committing to a specific plan for a goal may, therefore, not only facilitate the attainment of the goal but may also free cognitive resources for other pursuits. 'Deep Work,' in a sense, is a book about achieving some sort of focused and meaningful work in a very shallow-driven, task-oriented work culture that can be present in everyday life. What I'm trying to say is, having a very specific goal and a plan to attain that goal might be liberating in a sense. Yeah. So, I'm going to stop the video right here. I'm going to talk about my New Year's resolution from last year and obviously, from this year as well. So, talk to you soon. Bye.

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