Why am I feeling anger

It was a trivial and casual comment by the missus, but it's hurting and she knows it too.

But why are you still carrying the burning hot coals in your heart? Allowing it to burn your insides like acid eating away at your stomachs lining.

Instead just pull away from the mental drama. Pull the plug, from the tape playing endlessly on loop. Bring on the dancing girls and some mindless entertainment.

Why do I feel trapped and full of despair. Actually, it's reduced, but only a bit. The viscous cycle of thoughts images and body sensations has gripped me. Step off the high horse and get real. Nobody has the time or inclination for malice. It's futile and unproductive.

You need to be a better person by yourself.
Accept the world, as it is, and move on. It doesn't matter if the world and it's brother-in-law think you're an ass. As long as you have your head on your shoulders and standing on two legs, nothing to bother about.

So what's the big deal here. Just because he's been invited to a club with his drinking cronies, doesn't make him a tope (ತೋಪು).
Don't bother about what others are thinking, saying etc. Your view of the world is correct, so don't bother about others.

Can you try and do something different?
Ignore the others. Just focus on your purpose. If it's not aligned with the rest of the world, just don't let it get to you. Why is that so tough. If you have better ideas to save the world, then please do it. Don't wait for the 3 wise men to appear with goodies.

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