Image Classification With Keras
July 20, 2017•228 words
Indy ML
- No WiFi Password =[
- Building Image Classifier with Keras
- Look at the data set subreddit for any data set
- bart, hommer, lisa, marge
train = 1800
validation = 100
epochs = 10
batch size =20
classes = 4
width, height = 80, 80
input shape = (width, height, 3 (input channels or colors, rgb))
Data Input
using ImageDataGenerator from keras
train_datagen = imageDataGenerator(
rescale=1. /255, #scaling image values from 1 to 255
shear_range = .2 #tweaking
- batch size is the same as the step size
- what is the reasoning for batch/step size?
- stay clear of overfitting (high variance)
Train the model
- add a couple of conv layers, and a couple of layers after that
- softmax scales everything between 0 and 1, relu caps things at zero, then lets it go as large as it wants
- compile
- iterate through pictures in folders
- confusion matrix
- go back and tweak class weights (weight for miss classification) depending on how the matrix turns out
- incorporate tensorboard lets us see the accuracy changes
- pass tensorboard callbacks to fit generator
- Open Tensorboard (tool) to see accuracy and loss graphs
- accuracy still climbing, good amount of randomness, would flatten with a longer training period