Learning Software Architecture

Books Designing Data Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppman Clean Architecture - Robert C. Martin Software Architecture Patterns (OReilly) Beyond Software Architecture 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know Resources http://highscalability.com/ http://discoverdev.io https://github.com/mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know Hands-On Work Whiteboard popular applications and compare to actual implementations Whiteboard applications found here: http://aosabook.org/en/index.html Sys...
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Uses This - 2018

Let it be known, I am a huge fan of Uses This. Basically, the site asks questions to writers, developer, filmmakers, and other creative types on their hardware setup, software setup, and dream setup. I'm not sure if I'll ever be cool enough to be on the site, but I love the concept so much I thought I would repeat it. What hardware do you use? Longtime windows user turned macbook user. Being in web development it became inevitable that I would make the switch. I use a 2017 Macbook Pro 1...
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Wake up

I woke up with a head cold this morning, the most pleasant thing. I tweaked my knee at a trail race on Saturday, and can't run right now. I found out a major opportunity for me fell through the cracks and is out of reach. But you know what? Time keeps on ticking. And I can keep on moving. I can get out of bed and be pleasant today, if nothing else. I was NOT pleasant the first few hours of this morning. My wife can attest to that. Something I need to improve upon, I suppose. Wake up and g...
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Birthday Boy

I just turned 25. And it's weird. I have that totally millenial feeling that even though I am married, have an apartment, pay all my bills, have a full time job, and volunteer in my community I still feel like a kid. I feel like I am not quite as smart or have everything together as my co-workers and peers do. I don't think this is an uncommon feeling to have, but it's worth pointing out none-the-less. Looking to the future, I see a lot of opportunity for Allie and I. We have had a great sta...
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Azure End to End

Azure Tour Four Pillars: Productive, Hybrid, Intelligent, Trusted Biggest VM: 128 VCPUS, 3500gb memory Now support nested virualization Running a VM inside a VM inside Azure Rich Management Experience Update management: checks to see if OS is up to date, applies patches Easy see if all the systems are patched and compliant Change Tracking: Can see all changes happening within the VM or the instance itself Inventory Management: Queries across applications/infrastructure Disaster Recovery Supp...
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Image Classification With Keras

Indy ML No WiFi Password =[ Building Image Classifier with Keras Look at the data set subreddit for any data set bart, hommer, lisa, marge https://github.com/MatthewYancey/IndyML/blob/master/Image%20Classification/code/img_classification.ipynb Parameters train = 1800 validation = 100 epochs = 10 batch size =20 classes = 4 width, height = 80, 80 input shape = (width, height, 3 (input channels or colors, rgb)) Data Input using ImageDataGenerator from keras train_datagen = imageDataGenerator...
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