Linux Configuration Management Checklist

Host Access: root account site-admin account (eg Ansible user) pam_access sshd domain membership Pam misc (eg oddjob-mkhomedir) password policies hosts.allow Monitoring telegraf rsyslog journald nagios client Landscape Client custom fact generation, reporting scripts Host Configuration MOTD / issue DNS resolution network time proxy (apt, snap, docker, pollinate) mail delivery Firewall Software local repositories automatic patching Services Apache / LAMP Docker ...
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check_mk Livestatus API for Nagios

Build the Livestatus api server Install the build deps Build deps Ubuntu 18.04: librrd-dev libboost-all-dev Browse to Grab the latest "Stand-alone source code of MK Livestatus" link wget Unpack it, configure it for Nagios4 support, build it tar -xvzf mk-livestatus-1.5.0p25.tar.gz cd mk-livestatus-1.5.0p25/ ./configure --with-nagios4 make Snag the built file from t...
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NetApp Command CheatSheet

Configuration Administratively turning on or off an ethernet port: ::*> network port modify -node somenode-01 -port e0f -up-admin true Troubleshooting Working with the event log Show only a certain severity or higher: ::> event log show -severity ERROR Show a certain type of error (supports wildcards) ::> event log show -event secd.cifsAuth.* Show events that are !not a certain type of error (supports wildcards) ::> event log show -event !sec* Network troubleshooting Ping a r...
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NetApp - Add Network Conns

Adding a new network LAG and vlans Physical port & interface group steps Select member physical interfaces Install SFPs and patches Network admin configures LACP LAG on switches Create interface group Dynamic multimode, probably IP based LB Example command: network port ifgrp create -node cluster-1-01 -ifgrp a0a -distr-func ip -mode multimode Add ports to interface group Example command: network port ifgrp add-port -node cluster-1-01 -ifgrp a0a -port e0b network port ifgrp ad...
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