check_mk Livestatus API for Nagios

Build the Livestatus api server

Install the build deps

Build deps Ubuntu 18.04:

  • librrd-dev
  • libboost-all-dev

Browse to

Grab the latest "Stand-alone source code of MK Livestatus" link


Unpack it, configure it for Nagios4 support, build it

tar -xvzf mk-livestatus-1.5.0p25.tar.gz
cd  mk-livestatus-1.5.0p25/
 ./configure --with-nagios4

Snag the built file from the src directory src/livestatus.o

Install the Livestatus api server

Install deps Ubuntu 18.04:

  • libboost-system1.65.1
  • check-mk-livestatus
  • xinetd

Replace the original livestatus.o executable in /usr/lib/check_mk/

Define it as a Nagios broker module in nagios.cfg:

broker_module=/usr/lib/check_mk/livestatus.o /run/nagios/livestatus.sock

Restart nagios to ensure that Nagios can create the socket in the /run/nagios path which should already exist if NRPE is running on the system.

Create the livestatus xinetd service

service livestatus
        type        = UNLISTED
        port        = 6557
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        cps         = 100 3
        instances   = 500
        per_source  = 250
        flags       = NODELAY
        user        = nagios
        server      = /usr/bin/unixcat
        server_args = /run/nagios/livestatus.sock
        disable     = no
#       only_from   =

Enable xinetd:

 systemctl enable --now xinetd

Test the socket service locally to make sure that livestatus is working OK

 echo 'GET contacts' | unixcat /run/nagios/livestatus.sock 

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