NetApp Command CheatSheet
December 15, 2020•188 words
Administratively turning on or off an ethernet port:
::*> network port modify -node somenode-01 -port e0f -up-admin true
Working with the event log
Show only a certain severity or higher:
::> event log show -severity ERROR
Show a certain type of error (supports wildcards)
::> event log show -event secd.cifsAuth.*
Show events that are !not a certain type of error (supports wildcards)
::> event log show -event !sec*
Network troubleshooting
Ping a remote host (eg a domain controller) from the LIF of a vserver
::> network ping -lif somesvm_cifs_nfs_lif1 -vserver some_svm -destination
Verify L1 connectivity (ONTAP 9.8+)
::> network port reachability show -detail -node -port
Data Management
Adding inodes / increasing max file count
Default max files can be somewhat low on NetApp if you are working with large amounts of small files. Defaults shown under example below.
::> volume modify -vserver nfsshare -volume some_vol -files 31876689