art block + the creative process

I am currently going through a long period of art block. I haven't created much pieces these days and whenever I open the Procreate app I just don't know what to draw.

I have discussed with my art teacher why. I think I am naturally a storyteller and not a painter. I used to be obsessed with drawing comics with convoluted storylines and characters with backstories, but it's hard to fit that all in a painting.

My art teacher said that unlike most people my age, I think deeply about everything. She said that she wouldn't be surprised if I was a writer.

But it's seriously not that deep bro. Every painting I try to make the symbolism so complicated that nobody can understand it when they see it. Art is hard because 1) you have to make it look good and 2) it has to communicate a message. I used to think of the message first, then try to come up with a composition, but now I'm going to try to take pictures of everyday life and then try to come up with a message. It's just easier that way.

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