New year, new things

This has been an interesting year so far. I started a new job and moved into a new place. Both are big changes. Thankfully, I will still be doing work in relation to plants and wildlife. I will still be doing outdoor field work. The biggest change is how much office time I have. This is a little foreign to me. All previous jobs have been very active despite office components. My back is telling me I have become too sedentary. More use of the standing desk is in order or at least walking around more. I am also not one for "office life" and socializing. Teleworking is an option I will take advantage of.

New living space has a bigger kitchen and a yard. I've already been cooking more and have started some vegetables that I can hopefully plant in the yard at some point. I may have to do standing beds but I am more than happy to do that just to have some fresh vegetables for a change.

current mood: #optimisticweasel

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