Not so sure

Ohh I was so sure!

I was so sure about myself!

I thought I knew what I was doing!

I thought I knew what I wanted!

Ohhh I was so sure about others!

I thought I knew everyone around me!

So hypnotic was the spell that I thought I have the control!

Was I so wrong! I was so wrong!

As the life moves ahead relentlessly and days slip by, the walls of illusion came crumbling down!

And suddenly…..I am not so sure!

I am not so sure about myself…I am not so sure about anyone or anything!

Everywhere I go, I meet paradoxes!

But then, this not knowing came with an expansive freedom!

Contrary to my beliefs, it turned out to be the most freeing thing!

When I surely realised that I am not so sure about anything…..neither I had to strongly hold onto it, nor I had to make an effort to let it go!

There I found the Peace amongst the Paradoxes!

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