Red/White kidney beans


Afternoon 1
Soak, let it stand for 24 hrs, preferably acidic water
make lots, 1-3 kgs

Afternoon 2
Drain, rinse, air overnight

Morning 3
Rinse, air

Afternoon 3
Pressure cook for 30 min (40 too soft)
"Keep warm" setting ON
Pressure release, drain
Fill with cold water, let cool
++The action of draining the hot water immediately after cooking, followed by dropping the hot beans in the cold water do 2 things. It makes the skins crack which allows the bacteria to get in and ferment the flesh of the beans. It also cools the beans so that they can be cool enough for fermentation to start.++
Drain when cool
infect it
Start Yoghurt setting 8-14 hr

Transfer to glass, keep fermenting

When using beans...
Drain, keep liquid. Freeze half?
Add to instant pot
add water to below top of beans
layer fatty meat on top, add chunks of fat
salt, spices, herbs
Slow Cook for 8 hours

Afternoon 6
Stir thoroughly
Pressure cook for 5 min, enjoy

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