Weekend Brisket Smoker

Friday buy 2x sets brisket @Bismilla put 2 larger cuts together ,leave out overnight put 2 smaller cuts together ,place in fridge Saturday boil full kettle of water start fire using hardwood ,smaller pieces at the top ,until red trim meat slice top layers place each on individual rack salt Add smoker pan ,place in center piece fill with kettle water place largest cut above water bowl place onto fire, lock down add temperature probes ,find core ,connect find reading place other cut ,connect, rea...
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Sticky Masala Steak pot

Let the poot pressure cook and release slowly over time. Make the pot in sequence and add briquettes to keep the temperature going Sticky Beef 3 kg Beef Trotters (up to) 2L water 3 - 4 kg beef cuts 1 cup fat 1.5 kg onions 1L water 2T salt Masala spice powder Mild Chilli powder Instant Pot [Size 4] tri-pod Initial 00:00 Wash trotters, place into instant pot Add 2L water Pressure cook for 90 min, Rest up to 10 hours Later Open instant pot to cool trotters Start fire, heat briquettes chop oni...
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Sticky Beef pot and Masala Steak pot - must be fixed

1st hour: the idea is to start the fire while the poot is pressure cooking and prep and start the masala steak. When the poot is ready for the potjie, take coals from the masala steak and add briquettes over time. This slows down the cooking speed of the masala steak also. next 2 hours: just add briquettes to keep the temperature going Sticky Beef 2kg Beef Trotters 4kg Goulash (up to) 1L water 1 cup fat 2T salt Masala Steak 1.5 kg onions 3kg Goulash (up to) Masala spice powder Mild Chilli po...
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Almond Milk and Almond-Date Cookies

morning/evening before soak 1 cup of almonds in purified water, twice as high as almonds Fill 750 mL glass bottle with purified water Place 250gr pitted dates in glass bowl Pour most of bottle's water over it. store in fridge evening/morning give soaking pitted dates a stir morning/evening drain almonds, rinse as well, discard water drop almonds into blender add 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder drain dates and KEEP date-water move date-water to 750 mL bottle and top up let dates drain mor...
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Pens en poot

4-5kg poot 2-3kg pens 250 ml water x3 1T salt 1t chilli powder Large Pressure Cooker Instant Pot Evening Wash poot, place into pressure cooker Place onto stove Add 2 cups water Seal and max heat Wash pens, place into instant pot Add 1 cup water Switch OFF "keep warm" setting! Pressure cook for 1 min, Let cool naturally (overnight?) Wait for poot pressure to build When poot pressure cooker pops, drop temperature pressure cook for 45 min [[for Potjie.. alter from here]] switch off heat Let cool ...
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Red/White kidney beans

Initial Afternoon 1 Soak, let it stand for 24 hrs, preferably acidic water make lots, 1-3 kgs Afternoon 2 Drain, rinse, air overnight Morning 3 Rinse, air Afternoon 3 Rinse Pressure cook for 30 min (40 too soft) "Keep warm" setting ON Pressure release, drain Fill with cold water, let cool ++The action of draining the hot water immediately after cooking, followed by dropping the hot beans in the cold water do 2 things. It makes the skins crack which allows the bacteria to get in and ferment t...
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