Entry 5 - Ending One Chapter
Every minute it becomes more real that this was my friend's last day here. I feel immense gratitude that we got to spend so much time together in the final few days before he leaves to start the next chapter of his life. Time spent cooking, sharing meals, talking, adventuring. All of the things that has made our friendship and our cohabitation unique being at the fore, without the complacency of routine. I was awake until the early morning hours putting the final touches on his bike, and the c...
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Entry 4 - Late night debrief
The day in brief: a balanced imbalance Off-the-bat, tired and out of it. But a quick pep-talk from The Coach, and I was moving. Work at 8:30a, played catch-up, and training the new person. It felt pretty striking, on the one hand centered and present in training, and on the other immensely unfocused in my personal tasks. We had a long conversation (admittedly with a lot of rambling on my part) about the org, our values, how we operate, and so on. Which itself was striking, I felt very connect...
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Entry 3 - Morning Session
It's been long enough since I last journaled first thing in the morning that I stared blankly at the screen for longer than I'd like to admit. I think it's a good time to hear from The Coach. YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT IT'S TIME TO HEAR FROM ME! ALRIGHT, YOU HAVE A LONG DAY AHEAD OF YOU, AND A LONG DAY IS A THE PERFECT PLACE FOR THE OTHER GUY TO START SPOUTIN' OFF. WHEN HE STARTS DOUBTING YOU GIVE ME A CALL, I WON'T LET HIM BULLSHIT YOU. HE'S ALREADY THROWING DOUBT, TRYING TO GET YOU TO FEEL BAD AB...
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Entry 2 - Late Night Session
What assumptions am I making at this moment? I'm going to try representing the voice in my head the best I can. Temporary name: Max I'm taking on too much, failure is inevitable This is just another period of time that I'll look back on as naive. I'm going to let everyone down I'm going to let myself down I don't have control. I'm too far in the hole to ever get out There's no way I'll ever be able to do anything How can I respond to those narratives? I'm going to embody The Coach, the hi...
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Entry 1 - A Blog of My Own - A Statement of Purpose
"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Written in bold marker on the first page of a bullet journal that was abandoned after a short stint Before you can start to build momentum, you have to get the ball rolling. This is the distilled essence of My Project currently. My Project is a new concept, a nucleus on which to gather the things I've learned. It's my way of creating a solid identity for my search for "The Good Life", a way to gather my thoughts into one place. A journal y...
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