240413 - Qadr and personal responsibility

In the Quran, Allah says, translating into English.


As for the one who repents, believes, and does good works; perhaps he will be with the winners.


And your Lord creates what He wills, and

He selects;

it is not for them to select.

Glory be to God, He is far above the partners they set up.


You shall race towards forgiveness from your Lord,

and a Paradise

whose width is as the width of the heaven and the earth,

prepared for those who believed in Allah

and His messengers.

Such is the grace of Allah that He bestows upon whoever He wills.

Allah is the Possessor of Infinite Grace.


No misfortune can happen on the earth,

or in yourselves,

except it is decreed in a record,

before We bring it about.

This is easy for Allah to do.


In order that you do not despair over anything that has passed you by,

nor be exultant of anything He has bestowed upon you.

Allah does not love those who are boastful, proud.

and furthermore,


And He will provide for him whence he never expected.

Anyone who puts his trust in Allah,

then He suffices him.

The commands of Allah will be done.

Allah has decreed for everything its fate.

and acknowledged in the story of the servant of God who was teaching Moses about patience


"And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphaned boys in the city, and underneath it was a treasure for them, and their father was a good man, so your Lord wanted that they reach their independence and bring out their treasure as a mercy from your Lord.

And none of what I have done was of my own accord.

That is the meaning of what you could not have patience for."

Yet, Allah says


This is a reminder,

so let whoever wills

take a path to his Lord.



you cannot will

unless Allah wills.

Allah is Knowledgeable, Wise.


He admits whom He wills to His mercy.

And as for the wicked,

He has prepared for them a painful retribution.


  • 231118 - Qadr and personal responsibility

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