hot beauty tips

Beauty Problem: Fine lines and wrinkles
Beauty Solution: Be more honest and true

Keeping track of falsehoods and the potential consequences of your lies will create a chain reaction of anxious thoughts that will give you wrinkles. Even small ones will deepen your laugh lines and give you crows feet. Avoiding this will prevent a lot of unnecessary stress and keep your skin looking smooth and wrinkle free.

Beauty Problem: Under eye bags
Beauty Solution: Have a heart that is pure and free of hatred

This is the best technique for reducing under eye bags and dark circles. Harboring anger and resentment and constantly rehashing old painful incidents in your mind will leave you looking tired and busted. Either zoom out, shift your perspective and find compassion or rain a merciless hell upon your foes to release the poison from your body. Either works great if you want to reduce under eye bags and look well rested.

Beauty Problem: Bad hair day
Beauty Solution: Tell people how you feel

Being unclear or evasive when communicating your feelings will make your hair fall right out. Telling people how you feel gives them a chance to see you and gives the relationship a chance to be real, contributing to hair with a thick bouncy sheen. Your grays will even start to grow in black!

Beauty Problem: Dull complexion
Beauty Solution: Let yourself cry when you want to cry

When you feel your throat swelling with sadness, you better let those tears out. Run into an alley if you have to but make sure you have that power cry ASAP. Bottling up sadness will dull your complexion and dry out your skin, while crying it out will keep it dewy and glowing all winter long.

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