
I was walking down a side street going nowhere in particular and passed by a tree with a bright yellow bird perched on one of its branches. I'd never seen a bird like that before so I slowed down and watched it for a bit. I decided it was probably an escaped house pet, patiently waiting for someone to bring it some fortified brandname birdseed to eat.

There was nobody around and I had nowhere to be so naturally I started sending out good vibes with my mind in an attempt to make it come to me. I stared at it with a slight smile on my face, relaxed contentment in my eyes and thought with all my might "come sit on my shoulder little guy, I'm nice". It picked that moment to fly onto a higher branch. A reasonable reaction to my predatory lurking.

I do the same sort of thing on occasion with people and objects. If I want someone to think of me I'll sometimes picture some invisible thread connecting me to them and start forcefully repeating my name in my head while imagining them hearing it. If something is out of my reach I'll usually spare a second trying to pull it into my hands with the raw power of my mind before getting up and going over to it (like a sucker).

I guess it comes from past "evidence" involving this sort of thing. I can think of several occasions when I happened to have been thinking of someone and then passed by them the next day, as if by remembering them I had conjured them back into existence.

Most recently I'd been thinking about an old friend who I hadn't spoken to in probably more than a year. About 2 minutes later I got a phone call from her. It was only about 2pm but she was drunk and confused. She said she thought I'd called her. I was shocked and just said I hadn't and she hung up.

I don't really believe there's anything to this. I don't really think I have powers and that the world alters according to my thoughts. but the chances of some of these things happening are just so slim, especially given my mainly-indoors and by-myself lifestyle, that it seems at least possible that there are things connecting us that we just haven't developed the means of detecting yet. We already know there are chemicals emanating from our bodies that we unknowingly absorb and react to; the same chemicals that might make a dog tense or relaxed in our presence affect us too. We can't see, hear, smell, touch, or taste them but they exist and influence our bodies in real and measurable ways.

The rules of reality as we know them are really just a result of our current limitations as a species. But I guess I'm getting too technical. Really I think I just have fun seeing the world as a sort of living dream, where if I try hard enough one day I'll be able to break the illusion and do something impossible.

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