December 24, 2019•143 words
Authentic outer goodness is a natural biproduct of inner wholeness. It's a result of being at peace within, not the result of a mentally defined moral code.
Feeling superior for being good and judging others for being not-good is a way of controlling whatever is rejected in the self, just as it's used by those in authority to control undesirable behaviours of subordinates. It's repression and it leads to neurosis and sickness.
Don't waste any time talking about the choices of others. Don't participate in inflating yourself by diminishing them. You aren't superior in any way, you're only in more generous circumstances. Or more afraid to act out, instead directing your pain inward. Neither makes you more good.
Don't allow yourself to be confined to mental prisons. Be yourself. Be whole. Don't act nice, don't act good. Just be, and leave others alone.