
When we speak frivolously or dishonestly, we participate in the game of illusion.

Speaking for the sake of speaking is itself a form of deception. We create a screen of words around ourselves which we consciously or unconsciously use to manipulate the perception of others, to bewitch them. They lose direct contact with us and come to associate the words we say with us. This is why eloquent words can be used to disguise an ugly heart.

Really, almost anytime we speak we participate in solidifying the illusion. Only words that arise from deep within the heart carry truth. Words that arise spontaneously and naturally without any desire for self protection, attainment or enhancement.

We even participate in the deception when we speak of relative truths. The existence of these things are founded in non-reality, built around artificial structures maintained by language and mutual consensus such as social frameworks, hierarchies, authority, economics, identities, labels, and beliefs. We speak their reality into existence.

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