
If we aren't able to see through words, we can be easily misled and manipulated by them. We can be hypnotized by them. Rather than seeing into the purpose and intent behind their use, we can become lost in the content.

It's an exploitation of trust. A smokescreen. A harnessing of the emotional impact that words can induce. Used effectively they can hide the actions and intentions of the speaker in plain sight. It all goes undetected while they continue emitting pacifying words to enshroud themselves.

The eyes can see the reality but the mind is lulled and distracted by the pleasing words. We feel in our heart that something is wrong but we can't quite figure out what it is. We fight with our own minds, throw our words against the words we're hearing, inevitably coming up against walls because the focus on words is itself the problem. Their significance must be diminished. They must be seen through.

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