dream facility

dreamt that i was in a sunny field with some people who were carrying around a big blue bag with what seemed to have an unconscious or dead body in it. they were trying to find somewhere to leave it while a giant dog was bounding around with a bunch of people trying to get it under control. the tone was slightly comical. i stood watching the dog while the others wandered off. at some point a group of police officers found them with the bag over a nearby hill. they were holding them by gunpoint while i walked over to them, at which point i realized it was a dream. i shouted over to them "hey don't worry, i'm dreaming right now!" and their faces started to warp and change. a few seconds later the scene faded to black and i woke up outside of a virtual dream facility. i went over to a nearby attendant and told him that whenever i notice i'm dreaming i start to wake up. he was about to respond when a friend of mine from middle school came by and invited me into the facility (where she was now working). i shrugged to the guy and followed her in past a bunch of high tech looking cubicles, at which point i either actually woke up or "woke up" into another dream (which i can't remember).

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