
Okay okay we're present we're present alright alright cool cool let's go let's go typing typing let's see what comes okay picking up some momentum lets get some thoughts cooking alright hoo boy lets see lets see what comes were doin it still gearing up is this just going to be all it is okay maybe oh was that profound i think it might've been is this all there is ! is that all there is ! if thats all there is my friend ! then lets keep - and so then i was at the circus or whatever and it caught fire or how ever that goes and i says to my friend i says - is that all there is? ok ok now what this is pretty fun actually might be a little too fast to do anything rpoductive but its pretty interesting seeing the hand just go go gogo gogog og gogo and im just barely cooking up the next thought before the fingers fly lets try lets try okay whats on my mind whats on my mind othongn nothing nothing all there is is the fingers typuing there is nothing on my mind mydind the mind is empty the mind is empty there is onlny the fingers typing i think i just invetneted a new form of meditation okay im goofing up the grammar because my eyes are closed and im trying to lose myself in it boh i think it might actually be possible to reach flow doing this i think im in int now i feel very cofnnedected to my fmingers thetapping on the keys this is very interesting and now ive befcome aware of my breath and im connefcted to that while letting my fingers do its thing this is very very neat where else can i leave my attention while i type type type lets tryi leaving it in the very cntre of my forehead lets see if i can leave my fingers behind entirely just becoming the breath and the centre space in my head and see what comes about tap tap tap tap tap tap nowhere to go tap tap tap nothing to do just tap tap tap tap tap tap thats life just tapt apt apt apta tapt apt ap whats that its tap wheres that its tap whos that its tapt apta pa tpata pt ap the key clicks form arises thes hand lifts up space space nothingness back to nothingness just like the breath the in and out breathe thats all it is appearance nothing ness appearance nothingness here and gone here and gone its all waves waves waves pulse pulse pulse fade fade fade here and gone here and gone

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