June 7, 2022•371 words
I've been drawn into some conversations lately that revealed some of my own biases and ignorance to me. It's funny how it suddenly becomes clear how incomplete or imbalanced my perception of something is once I speak about it, which I guess is part of why open conversation can be an important factor of growth. It can be frustrating though because once it's out others will naturally assume that what I expressed was a view that I'll continue to carry, particularly if I expressed it with conviction in the moment. Still, at least afterwards I can see the flaws and either adjust my perception or let the whole thing go.
Overall it's been valuable. I'll be adjusting my approach moving forward but it was good to practice expressing my own limited views, and also to see that they're nowhere near as objective or complete as they can seem in my head. I really can't afford to start forming fixed opinions on things, I simply don't have enough data on, frankly, anything beyond my direct personal experience. Maybe I never will. It also made me see that it really is possible to change an opinion within hours of expressing it. It doesn't seem so reasonable to hold myself or others to things said in ignorance when they can be outgrown or let go of so quickly. Being able to argue a point doesn't have much value in the end either aside from as a social party trick.
It made me want to let it all go and just rest in not-knowing. Listening, asking questions and continuing to learn rather than mindlessly asserting opinions against other opinions. For what? It always goes back to ego inflation. Asserting "my rightness" against "their wrongness". A delusion through and through.
I'd rather prioritize exploring other outlooks to expand my awareness. I want my mind to be free and open enough to accept everything in existence, even the things I don't like or agree with. That means perpetually letting go of prejudices, biases, opinions, ideas, judgements, fears and fixed conclusions. It means being a self-emptying vessel that can continue to take in whatever new information and experiences may come, without needing to hold onto any of it.