
Each externally pursued desire is really a veiled movement towards something that feels incomplete or insufficient within. A holographic projection of a conceived lack in the self. "I don't have this feeling so I need that thing".

It can be addressed in different ways. The desires can be pursued and endlessly shifted from one projection to another. The desires can be pursued until it's found that attaining them hasn't resolved the underlying feelings. The desires can be seen as reflections of what's calling for integration within.

This last one basically involves going inward and identifying what appears to be lacking rather than going outward to fill that hole with something external.

The external desire is a symbolic representation of internally desired feelings. The desired thing can represent, for example, what is believed will lead to feeling loved, cared for, accepted. It can represent what is believed will lead to feeling happy, contented, relaxed. And all of this can actually be addressed directly at the source - by turning towards the feeling/belief within that's generating the desire. After it's given some loving attention/curiosity it usually becomes clearer that it's not actually the desired thing that's needed but an adjustment in perception, attitude or approach towards self/others/life. If I want to feel loved, cared for and accepted then I can start by loving, caring for and accepting myself. Doing so will naturally lessen or dissolve my desires, since the underlying feelings generating them are being addressed. If I want to feel more happy, contented and relaxed then I can adjust my approach/thoughts to embody or invite those feelings now, rather than waiting until I acquire some specific thing that will give me "permission" to feel certain ways or do certain things.

Basically, I can pursue desires but I don't need to believe that it's the things themselves that will actually fulfill anything. They're just reflections of desired feeling states, which means there are plenty of other routes that can be taken (including doing nothing, closing my eyes and filling my being/world with loving acceptance and gratitude for what I already am/have). After that the specifics of what comes doesn't matter so much because I know that any desired images showing up in the mind are actually being generated by my feelings and beliefs. The objects themselves become more like symbolic representations of what I'm believing at that moment to be lacking in myself.

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