
All feelings operate on a continuum between an extreme "positive" pole and its extreme "negative" opposite. Eg:

(Positive) <-------> (Neutral) <-------> (Negative)
Smothering <-------> Loving <-------> Hateful
Manic <-------> Happy <-------> Miserable
Overwhelmed <-------> Contented <-------> Deprived
Dissociated <-------> Peaceful <-------> Enraged
Careless <-------> Trusting <-------> Fearful

When awareness is resting in oneself/the heart/spirit/soul/essence/emptiness/divine indwelling/God/Tao/Buddha Nature/etc, a state of balanced neutrality is inherently felt. The farther one strays from this inner spaciousness and into mental abstractions, images and stories, the farther the perception and experience of the body/mind moves into the polar extremes of feeling (depending on the narratives playing out).

The feelings towards opposite ends of the poles are generally the effects of mental abstractions. They are what is felt the more awareness becomes mentally separated from the resting state of inner essence, and therefore from truth. They are indications that rather than dwelling in reality, awareness is lost in the abstractions, stories, fictions, mirages and false images generated by an egoic perspective.

To return to a balanced state, all that needs to be done is to let go of these images/stories and return awareness to the essential Self/inner essence/emptiness, which is One with all that is and therefore free of all ideas of reunion and separation, praise and blame, courage and fear, gain and loss, birth and death. To acknowledge illusion as illusion and return to truth.

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