
All media and symbols create and propagate illusions, not truth. It all relies on dismembering and representing aspects of reality in order to convey certain perspectives and ideas. These are inherently incomplete, since neither our senses nor our intellects nor any method of communication we've developed can convey any truth in its entirety. All we convey and experience are perspectives and ideas which are then further filtered by the senses and minds of others.

As a form of play and creativity it's awesome but trying to find truth or wisdom in media and symbols only fuels the imagination and obscures direct perception and experience of what actually is. We start to think we know things when all we've really done is gathered the perspectives and ideas of others being conveyed in whatever limited forms they've chosen. No matter how much is gathered, the picture is never complete. More than that, we gather data which has little bearing on our own life. The one unfolding in front of (me) right now. Not that of others, no matter how similar the circumstances might seem. The details missed while distracted by the creations of others matter.

Imagine how much I could learn through direct attention and engagement with my own life rather than vicarious experiencing via words in books, images on screens, sounds in my ears and thoughts in my head. Alas, these are the inlets and outlets of those like me who are evidently unwilling to dive headfirst into life. Who seem to prefer watching and learning from a distance.

Bah! It's boring, boring! I'm bored!

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