Despite what all the critics say And what the cynic sees, Between tomorrow and yesterday, Today is meant to be. ...
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If you keep god's secrets, god reveals more to you
You pray whether you like it or not. Dreaming is prayer. It alters your unconscious (and perhaps the collective unconscious) in such a way that you begin to seek out what you secretly desire without necessarily knowing, and when the universe responds to this, you call it a coincidence. You have a sense for it and yet you seldom admit how congruent the external world is with your inner one, how often your dreams manifest your reality. That's okay. It is important to keep god's secrets. These coin...
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Ideological Assholism
Ideas are addictive. That might be obvious but I think it's well worth mentioning. Ideas are the most addictive substance known to mxn. That's what brought you here, after all. I have something to tell you. Are you ready? You suck. These are all conscious decisions, mind you. They're just not always conscious to you. In China, they have Idea Rehab Facilities (Call: 23o85973y5279t2y4728 if you're feeling egotistical). I hear they work quite well. ...
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Stranger than you think
This pandemic has had a sort of unmasking effect (heh). It's almost like wartime. Fear has a way of revealing the way people think. I'm quite surprised by it all. I wonder if/when things return to normal whether we will choose to forget the way we feel now. That sort of collective amnesia might be more maddening than the threadbare state of mind currently in play. If I'm honest, I kind of like the way things are in crises. It makes it a lot harder for people to hide. Is that insensitive? A lot m...
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and the ostrich was silent [its head was underground]
"But how do we know up from down?" said the man standing on his head. [he is] "It's easy," said the bat, "If the sound sounds upside down, that's right way up!" [bats echolocate] "WHAT?" said the sloth. [sloths are deaf] ...
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What means rock and roll? Teach it to yourself. ...
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A good magician conceals his tricks by revealing them. Go watch a Slydini routine (I suggest helicopter card) and really try to understand what he's saying to you. There's a message there that transcends the illusion. He shows you exactly what he's going to do, you just don't believe him because, in fact, you don't really want to know the truth. That's why some people don't mind watching Dynamo pull some stupid shit out of a basket ball. They don't care that the only way he could have got it th...
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What I'm going to start with, not that I haven't started already, I have, but what I'm going to start the next sentence with is the word "The". The thing about sharks is that they don't actually like the taste of humans at all. They're just curious and they don't have hands, which is fair enough. I tried shark fin soup once because I was curious, despite having hands, and I didn't like the taste of them either. ...
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I know a very simple song About guerrillas in sarongs. It goes like this, it isn't long, "Guerrillas in sarongs!" (Sing the last line) ...
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