Monday, Apr 8, 2024 at 4:49 PM

Water is probably what I need most. Water, silence, and sunlight. Solitude.

I'm broken and I need time to heal. I think it was Jim Carrey of all people who mentioned that you'll need "deep rest" if you're depressed. Etymologists are going to hate this play on words, but it stuck with me for some reason.

Someone else said that it isn't the water that sinks a boat, but it's the cracks in the hull that let the water in. And someone else said that we all have cracks and that's good, because that's how the light comes in. (And some even say that that's how the light comes out.)

I guess cracks are fine if it's light that's coming in or out, but it's difficult to argue for the usefulness of cracks if it's water.

Water. This is water. This is water.

"What the hell is water?" Asks the young fish... I used to know, and somehow I forgot. I was in an altered state once, the state that religious teachers try to describe. A state beyond words. I deeply felt some things in this state; I deeply learned some things in this state. And now, it seems like I forgot them all. I need water, and yet I'm a ship and I'm sinking. It's all contradictory. And I forgot how to resolve the contradictions.

I guess that's why they call it remembering. Sati.

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