
So excited.

I've been wanting to write comics for ages now. So I wrote a short one. It's getting published soon. I have an awesome creative team. It's very cool. Very very cool. Every single day I say to anyone who'll listen I can't believe I'm getting a comic published!

Getting published is hard.
Getting a comic published is harder.
Getting a comic published when you're a writer only without doing the art yourself or having an artist on board already working for free till you get signed is very very hard.

But I did it.

Sometimes I think it's a trick and I'll find out it's all a scam.

Sometimes I think they'll find out I'm not a real writer, or that my story is a shallow piece of shit.

But... And this is me justifying myself...

I've been writing stories since before I started kindergarten. I could read and write both English and music fluently before kindy. I've been publishing zines since I was a teenager. I've been blogging for two decades. I've had prose published in literature journals (although I still expect someone to find out I'm a sham). I was long listed for a short story competition and that story will be published in an anthology this year.

I have to remind myself all this because I've achieved something I thought was impossible and a part of me thinks the editors will find out they made a silly mistake and they meant to publish someone else's comic because I'm a complete and utter failure and what the hell am I doing writing one comic script and thinking I can get away with submitting it in the pathetic hopes of getting published.

A part of this is covered in the storyline of the comic.


I'm excited. It's a fucking rad team. I can't wait to see the artwork.

And to further justify myself in all this, I guess I'm still a writer because I can't stop writing. Evidence: This blog. Evidence: My Anja Storm blog to which I just added a new post today. Evidence: Well, it doesn't ever seem to stop, does it.

It took me many years to finally believe I am a real musician. I think I'm in the process of teaching myself I might possibly be able to consider myself a real writer. An author, even. Whaddya think?

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