Contemplating The Sage

Model actions and virtues after your role models and mentors. Act as though they were watching, criticizing as to hold yourself to a higher standard. Become aware of your own thoughts and actions, self-assess and work on your character flaws. Do this every day and you will live a virtuous life. Do this every day and you will be joyous.

"The unexamined life is not worth living"

What did you do badly?

I consumed in excess last night and did not get enough sleep. I need to practice moderation with my consumption. I need to get sleep for inner peace and tranquility.

What did you do well?

I noticeably stopped myself from eating and drinking more than I needed. I worked out after getting back home at night. I did what was needed of me around the apartment. I read. I'm journalling.

What could you do differently?

Thought more about the birthday gift and goods we could have brought.

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