Day 073
June 7, 2021•221 words
Today I decided to focus again on the other texts I'm writing with more dedication, not the usual daily braindump.
As a note for my future self, if it ever comes back to check this text, let me add that these days have been tough on me but I'm still making efforts to live and fight them one by one. Good things are also happenning, and the will of facing the challenges life is bringing is helping a lot.
Negative self-talk, is still a thing; a weaker than before but still present opponent. Today I also made a good use of the technique of not feeding the dark wolf, the one that takes me downhill. Today I made a few small efforts in the direction of helping myself to live a healthier and happier life. Lots of elements on it are still hard to fight. Some of them are now looking weaker than they used to be. I hope this is not just an impression, but that they are really weaker than they used to be.
And yes, it is a lot about not feeding the bad side, let it starve. Feed the good side, the one that helps you develop further and help the others.
Ok, now I'm going back to my long writings, see you \o