Day 075


Today I had to cope with the outcomes of some decisions I made.

I was also making them based on some values that I believe would grant me some security or appreciation.

These are not really my truest, deepest needs, values, or interests. To be honest, I would really like to explore some other regions, but I do understand (or at least think so), that I should provide some support for the people around me. I mean, it is at least fair, since I do get support from my peers.

Retributing that is at least fair.

But I do need to learn to achieve balance: a point where I can support people around me and still look after my own interests, in order to make me feel alive and motivated.

So I need to develop some assertiveness. I managed to do that in the past two days, but today I somehow relaxed and did not do what it is needed to be done in order to maintain such a state.

After that I kinda tried to convince myself that life is like this and we can not always get the things we want. But I believe that this is partially true: we cannot get everything we want from people around us, but I believe that we can get enough from ourselves and our lives. I beileve that we can find contentment inside ourselves.

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