Day 099
July 3, 2021•177 words
Natural body needs
How to handle some of our natural body needs?
Specially the sexual ones, which I think are the most difficult to handle.
Food related were possible to deal with. I verified it through the intermitent fasting. It was not easy, it required some good effort, but it was surely possible.
Maybe sexual related ones can be handled exactly the same way: some sort of conscious fasting. After all, it's tied to another set of desires, summed up with some basic needs - just like eating.
Intermittent fasting showed me that our relationship with the object of desire must be understood in order to be changed. Understanding it also allows us to take the power back, because one has the opportunity to raise the ego voice, making it easier to listen to.
The great challenge is to decide whether to follow what that voice tells you to do, or to keep listening to it and acknowledging all the internal, usually subconscious, elements that live in there and affect your ability to make decisions.