No.7 - Standardized Testing

I have been through the paper SAT, digital SAT, ACT, and of course our favorite, AP exams.

  • Paper SAT
    Paper SAT was alright. It's been quite a while, but I do remember it being insanely long to the extent that I couldn't focus around the time I got to the last two articles because I was so tired. This is why I chose to study for the ACT.

  • ACT
    ACT, is much more fast paced, and barely gave me anytime to think - especially on the reading section. One time I tried the writing portion as well, but after getting such a joke prompt, I put no trust in that optional section.

  • Digital SAT
    Don't even get me started on this. I thought I was more fit for Digital SAT because I did pretty well (though I didn't qualify for National Merit - I LOVE living in California) on the 2023 Digital PSAT. I genuinely did so much better than I thought, considering how I was half asleep and slightly sick the whole time and didn't even bother preparing for that test.

Signed up for the April school SAT - weirdest test I've ever taken???? Math was so... weird (not hard)... English was alright but some vocabs were like ?????

So I signed up for the 2024 June SAT in Oakland, and guess what happened there? The exam got canceled due to WiFi issues (Collegeboard's fault). Collegeboard gave us a refund and let us take a makeup test on 6/15, but I had to go to Korea to renew my passport and Visa, so I missed that test; awesome!!!

  • AP exams Unpopular opinion: I like preparing for AP exams. Especially spamming practice tests! As long as I'm scoring a satisfactory score or improving. The more AP's I take the more I think, "wow, I'd be gone if the school didn't let us skip the classes on the days we have AP exams on."

Pro tip: start studying early!!! Oh wow who would've ever guessed!!


Why did I even write this
I think I was just having a post ACT deep thinking session...
7/100 days


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